Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fundraising Page is Up!

This bike tour is by far my biggest undertaking to date. Especially now that I have no cycling partners. I'm excited and more than a bit nervous. I've cycle toured before, 600 km being my longest tour to date, and have traveled and wild camped a lot but this is bigger. It sometimes feels a bit overwhelming.

Every time it starts to feel big or overwhelming I think about why I'm doing this. The cause is bigger than all my little worries. I picked the Canadian Cancer Society because its a cause very near and dear to my heart. Seeing my family struggle through cancer has shown me what kind of inner strength we possess. Nothing on this trip will be nearly so hard as what they have gone through already.

My fundraising goal is $10 000. I have every confidence that, with your help, we can meet that goal. If you want to donate to the Canadian Cancer Society in the name of the Bare Your Teeth Bike Tour, just click on the link below.

Bare Your Teeth Fundraising Page

If you live in Winnipeg, I'm hosting a fundraising social at Joe's Pandora Inn on Saturday, July 25th. Tickets are $20 and include Chinese buffet from Szeto's and one complimentary drink. Obviously there will be a silent auction with some really great prizes. Please come out and show your support.

Thanks to the Canadian Cancer Society for setting up the online fundraising page.

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